
".... Ljubeći šta li to ubijam, šta li budim? ..." M.Nastasijević

субота, 30. јун 2012.


- odlomak iz romana "Kad te pogledam u oči da te poželim" -

septembar 2006.

Poslala sam joj svoje slike kao što sam obećala, insistirala je da vidi kako izgledam. Očekivala sam da će mi odmah odgovoriti. Ali prolazili su dani, na moje čudjenje, ni glasa od nje. Obično je odmah odgovarala na moja pisma. Mislila sam da će bar zahvaliti, ok, ako joj se nisam svidela, pa to se kaže, razmišljam, kakva sam glupača, ko zna ko je ona, ko zna kome sam poslala svoje slike. Uplašila sam se, bilo je to moje prvo virtuelno poznanstvo, a istražujući malo, saznala sam kakve  se sve patologije mogu naći u virtuelnom svetu.
 Pomislih, kako sam naivna, zašto uvek moram biti iskrena, zašto uvek moram verovati ljudima, zašto nisam bila više oprezna u dopisivanju sa nepoznatom.
 Ipak odlučih da sačekam, u mislima mi tri meseca dopisivanja, ponovo sam čitala naša pisma, nemoguće da je baš sve slagala, izgledalo je da je baš dobra, romantična, nežna, ume sa rečima. Tada nisam mogla ni u košmaru naslutiti, da se iza svake reči krila laž, toliko je umela sa rečima, istrenirana lažljivica, koja mi je pet godina kasnije rekla da ne razlikuje laž od istine. A od prvog pisma ta vrhunska  manipulatorka je znala šta radi da zadobije nečije poverenje. Nažalost, dobila je moje.

Prošlo je  još nekoliko dana. Ni glasa. Odlučih da stavim tačku na nju i posvetim se drugoj devojci od koje sam tek dobila pismo.


Ja bih na tvom mestu, ili da je bilo obrnuto, bar odgovorila, npr. nisi moj tip i slično, hvala za fotke, puno sreće u traženju ili već bilo šta  što elementarna pristojnost nalaže, bez obzira što se ne znamo.
.... ceo tekst na stranici romana

среда, 13. јун 2012.


The power of THOUGHT.
Love begins with our thoughts. We become what we think about. Loving thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships. Affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about others and ourselves. If we want to love someone, we need to consider his or her needs and desires. Thinking about your ideal partner will help you recognise her when you meet her.

The power of RESPECT.
You cannot love anyone or anything unless you first respect them. The first person you need to respect is yourself. To begin to gain self-respect, ask yourself, What do I respect about myself? - To gain respect for others, even those you may dislike, ask yourself, What do I respect about them? -

The power of GIVING.
If you want to receive love, all you have to do is give it! The more love you give, the more you will receive. To love is to give of yourself, freely and unconditionally. Practice random acts of kindness. Before committing to a relationship ask not what the other person will be able to give to you, but rather what will you be able to give them. The secret formula of a happy, lifelong, loving relationship is to always focus on what you can give instead of what you can take.

The power of FRIENDSHIP.
To find a true love, you must first find a true friend. Love does not consist of gazing into each other"s eyes, but rather looking outward together in the same direction. To love someone completely you must love him or her for who they are and not for what they look like. Friendship is the soil through which love seeds grow. If you want to bring love into a relationship, you must first bring friendship.

The power of TOUCH.
Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and bonding relationships. Touch changes our physical and emotional states and makes us more receptive to love.

The power of LETTING GO.
If you love something, let it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn"t, it never was. Even in a loving relationship, people need their own space. If we want to learn to love, we must first learn to forgive and let go of past hurts and grievances. Love means letting go of our fears, prejudices, egos and conditions. Today I let go of all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life.

When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. To love someone is to communicate with them. Let the people you love know that you love them and appreciate them. Never be afraid to say those three magic words: I Love You. Never let an opportunity pass to praise someone. Always leave someone you love with a loving word - it could be the last time you see him or her. If you were about to die but could make telephone calls to the people you loved, who would you call, what would you say and .. why are you waiting?

The power of COMMITMENT.
If you want to have love in abundance, you must be committed to it, and that commitment will be reflected in your thoughts and actions. Commitment is the TRUE test of love. If you want to have loving relationships, you must be committed to loving relationships. When you are committed to someone or something, quitting is never an option. Commitment distinguishes a fragile relationship from a strong one.

The power of PASSION.
Passion ignites love and keeps it alive. Lasting passion does not come through physical attraction alone; it comes from deep commitment, enthusiasm, interest and excitement. Passion can be recreated by recreating past experiences. When you felt passionate spontaneity and surprises produce passion. The essence of love and happiness are the same; all we need to do is to live each day with passion.

The power of TRUST.
Trust is essential in all loving relationships. Without it one person becomes suspicious, anxious and fearful and the other person feels trapped and emotionally suffocated. You cannot love someone completely unless you trust him or her completely. Act as if your relationship with the person you love will never end. One of the ways you can tell whether a person is right for you is to ask yourself. Do I trust them completely and unreservedly? - If the answer is no -, think carefully before making a commitment.

 Tashunka Witko 


U Klubu Književnika, održana je promocija knjige haikua, pesnika i prijatelja, Dragana Ristića, 31.maja 2012. g. Prijateljska i neformalna atmosfera u sparno veče. Gost na promociji bio je g. Jovan Ćirilov. Vrlo zanimljiv razgovor sa živom legendom srpskog pozorišta. O žabama kao moćnom simbolu u japanskoj kniževnosti, preko Ezre Paunda do Daga Hameršelda. Saznah da su Ezru, Saveznici iz II sv.rata, proglasili ludim, zatvorili u ludnicu, da ne bi bio osudjen na dugu kaznu zatvora zbog tzv. "saradnje sa fašistima" jer je imao svoju radio emisiju tokom rata. Kad je izašao iz ludnice, nikad više nije javno nastupao, nije čitao svoju poeziju, nije davao intervjue. Za Hameršelda saznah da je imao sobu za meditaciju u Ujedinjenim nacijama, da se  bavio okultizmom, da su avionsku nesreću u kojoj je poginuo prouzrokovale, navodno, njegove mistične aktivnosti, kako je žuta štampa objavila.

Jovan Ćirilov i ja prisećamo se Moći pozorišnih ludosti
Prisetih se da sam pre mnogo godina gledala na jednom od Bitefa, predstavu "Moć pozorišnih ludosti" pozorišta iz Antverpena koja je trajala osam sati, bez izgovorene reči, sa osmoro glumaca, koji su se šamarali, tukli, izvodili najneverovatnije akrobacije hata joge na sceni. Sećam se da su scene šamaranja redovno označavale prelazak u novu istorijsku etapu pozorišta. U jednoj sceni uzeli su žabe koje su se odjednom našle na sceni, zamotali u bele košulje i zgazili. Vrteli su te okrvavljene košulje, dok je publika masovno izlazila. Na kraju predstave ostalo je svega nas nekoliko....bilo je već jutro. Ćirilov nije u početku mogao da se seti, a onda je rekao da se kao kroz maglu seća te predstave.
Po njegovom odlasku, družili smo se sa Draganom i njegovim pesmama, a najlepše je ipak bilo posle promocije, u kafani "Kolarac".


sa Draganom Vučićević, ženom čudom od kreativnosti
Mila, Saša Važić, Svetlana, Jovan Ćirilov

Jovan Ćirilov i Dragan Ristić